Come challenge yourself and take a risk! The challenges you face on the course connect to daily life. You use communication skills, as well as give and receive support and encouragement.

High Ropes Challenge Course

Come tackle our High Ropes Challenge Course. Our knowledgeable ropes staff will help and guide you through the course. We offer a many routes to try and challenge. You make the decision on which course to take, engage, and what your limit is. We also offer a giant ladder. This element is a huge vertical ladder where a partner is needed. They utilize each others strength and help each other. They will work together and as a whole group, climbing as high as they would like as a group. Either they stay on the first rung or hey get to the highest point. The group will come away with being able to communicate and cooperate with others.

We have a giant swing which is a great group activity!

Zip Line

Zip LineHave fun on the “leap of faith” a supportive and knowledgeable staff member will help you on your zip down.