J-Burg’s Corral for Re-tired Horses

Hello everybody! My name is Katie Rundzieher and I am a senior in high school. I have been attending the summer camp at Johnsonburg Presbyterian Center for 8 years and have gone through their new leadership training program. I have also been a Girl Scout since I was five years old. Because Johnsonburg has given me so much, a second home and family, confidence, and renewed faith, I decided to use my Gold Award as an opportunity to show my gratitude.

I asked the executive director Elise what J-Burg needed and she requested a fun and unique activity geared towards young campers. After some brainstorming, we decided on a swing circle with horse swings made out of old tires! I absolutely loved this concept! I used these instructions and the following YouTube video to make the horses and it was quite easy and very fun!

For the swing set, I loosely followed these instructions:


Additionally, a group of my peers volunteered to help with the construction of the swing set. We did come across an issue with stabilization but we were able to overcome that with bracing across the top of the circle. So far people of all ages have enjoyed the swing set, which we named “J-Burg’s Corral for Re-tired Horses.”

I can’t wait to see how it will evolve and be used in the future!

Author: campjburg

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