You will need 3 references to submit this form in order to be considered for Johnsonburg’s Gap Year Program. Remember references should be (but not limited to) a former employer, colleague, teacher, advisor, supervisor, or youth group leader.

As Christians, we are called to minister to others and serve them. Our society begs for competent, well-rounded, trustworthy leaders who can guide with compassion, stability, creativity and hope. We also need leaders who can create authentic communities where people feel empowered and can discern God’s calling on their lives. We know the impact of time in God’s creation; the beautiful camp and retreat setting of Johnsonburg Presbyterian Center is the perfect place to invite those who feel called to learn to lead to serve!

Through living in an intentional community at Johnsonburg in northwest New Jersey. The structure of the community will include times of worship, fellowship, prayer (personal and group), study, and hands-on work in the following areas: program leadership, marketing, business, maintenance and hospitality.

This program is open to 20-25 years olds with at least 2 years of college or equivalent life experience. For any person professing a faith in Jesus Christ

Fall-Spring. Admission will be based on an application process including three letters of recommendation and an interview. Employment during the summer following will be optional.

Mutual support: to provide guidance, a schedule and opportunities for each participant. Financial support: Lodging is provided at Johnsonburg. There is a full kitchen and laundry facilities, and meals are available in the Dining Hall when served. Wifi is available. Staffwear and a camp vehicle for business use will be provided. Participant will earn a stipend through work at a local non-profit (i.e. church youth leader; farm/CSA; shelter, etc.) approximately 15 hours/week or on site, as well as a stipend and food allowance at Johnsonburg. The program does not provide medical insurance.

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last…”

John 15:16

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 10:45