Sr. High Retreat Recap!

This past weekend Johnsonburg teamed up with Nick Wallwork, Director of Youth and Family Service at Grace Presbyterian Church in Montclair and Johnsonburg alum, to put on a Senior High Retreat entitled: “What is Your Core Purpose?”

We here at the Johnsonburg feel so blessed to have a former camper and staff member join us for this influential event. With nearly 50 young adult participants, this weekend was filled with discovery, friendship, and discernment.IMG_6746

Our topic was broad, and defining a core purpose wasn’t easy! But we did it, or at least started the life-long process of self learning! We weren’t necessarily looking for answer, so much as we were looking for a clue. Who are we, and how does God guide us through our lives? Do we feel a call? Should we choose to answer it? These were all questions we addressed, enjoyed, and pondered.

What a fabulous event!


Author: campjburg

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