Every day at camp is hardly the same, but we always follow a schedule! Here’s a sample of a classic camp day:

7:30– Rise & Shine! Get ready, brush your teeth…let’s head to the Dining Hall!

8:00– Breakfast starts at 8 o’clock sharp! Dig in!

8:45– It’s time for “For The Good of the Community” or FGC for short. This is a time we dedicate to minor maintenance needs, such as cabin cleanup! Most units also tidy a communal space too!

9:15–Ready, set, bible study! All of camp does bible study at the same time to ensure peace & quiet for all.

10:15– Morning Activity round one starts now. Campers all over camp are doing and experiencing different things, from ropes to archery, to nature exploration!

11:15– Morning Activity round 2 begins! Time to try something new…

12:30– Phew, Lunch time. Camp really enhances one’s appetite!

1:15– Time for some rest, we all head back to the cabins for “Feet on Bunk” or FOB. We’ll change at the end of this hour for swimming later!

2:15– Choice activity time. For campers who have a ‘choice’ they’ll pick a special interest to explore throughout the week. Popular choice activities include baking/cooking, boating & fishing, Scottish dance, music, and Tai Chi, just to name a few! If you’re in a specialty unit (i.e. M.A.D.Camp etc.) this time is usually dedicated to that specific subject. Some of our teen camps also have specialized schedules!

3:15– Afternoon Activities start, for our elementary campers we dedicate this time to developing their swim skills!

4:15– All camp swim! Your unit will either head to the pool or the lake for swim time. Non-swimmers can enjoy the canteen and outdoor games when at the pool!

5:30– Now we head back to the cabin to get into some comfy dry clothes for evening programs.

6:00– Last meal of the day, everyone’s favorite because: DESSERT!

7:00–Evening Program, sometimes this mean all camp games, carnival, or a talent show.

8:00–All camp worship & songs, we all come together at the end of each day!

8:30–Evening activities for older campers, washing up & winding down for our younger friends.

9:00– Light’s out starts for ages 6-11

11:00– Everyone’s snoozing!