Women’s Spring Retreat
Plan to enjoy comfortable lodging (featuring Tempurpedic mattresses that adult guests love!), delicious meals, time for fellowship around the campfire, activities like hiking, boating, and zip-lining, and, most importantly, the change to rest, refresh, rejuvenate, and renew.
Private room w/ private bathroom in Cedar Meadow Lodge: $275 (can add a roommate if you wish, second person pays lodge price – email us)
Private room w/ shared bathroom* in Lodges A, B, C (certain lodge rooms, limited availability): $245
Shared room w/ shared bathroom*, Tier 1: $219
Shared room w/ shared bathroom* Tier 2: $179
Saturday only, Tier 1: $85
Saturday only, Tier 2: $65
*Lodges have four full single bathrooms available for lodge guests. The bathrooms are not dormitory style.
Every fee includes programming and meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch. Guests who are only attending on Saturday will receive breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Tiered pricing options offer you a choice in what to pay – the experience will be the same.
The early bird pricing above is effective through March 1st. All rates after March 1 will increase by $20.
After April 14th registrations will include a $50 late fee and will be subject to availability.