Marked for the Future Campaign

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We did it! We hit our goal of $2.5 Million 

We did it! With your help we reached our goal of $2.5 million!

To celebrate we are having a luncheon on Saturday, May 24th | 12:30pm during the 65 Summers of Camp Johnsonburg Reunion. We hope to see you there!

Learn More About 65 Summers of Camp Johnsonburg

Let's Mark the Future: Together

Over 60 years ago, faithful leaders, in response to God's call, took action to mark Johnsonburg Camp and Retreat Center as a sacred place and an open space. Johnsonburg was established by visionary leaders to provide experiential Christian education in support of the Presbyterian Church in New Jersey. Purchased from the Stevens Institute of Technology, the property was originally used to teach summer engineering courses such as surveying and soil identification and still bears many of the historic, federally-protected markers from that time.

For anyone who has been to Johnsonburg, these identifying markers are still central today to the landscape of this ministry. These small concrete pillars with the stamped plate on top mark space and time on the beautiful 300-acre campus. Fitting it seems, since Johnsonburg has formed itself around programs and a ministry of hospitality focused on gathering in Christian community, finding one's compass in life, and surveying our 'personal maps' by seeking God's call. Johnsonburg is a sacred place, giving those who enter the grounds a place to claim their baptismal identity as God's beloved, sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ's own.

Sacred Place,
Open Space

Johnsonburg is central to the life of the church, not only in New Jersey but also across the country and the world. In fact, it's hard to find a room full of Presbyterians where there isn't an alumnus who bears the mark of Johnsonburg in the formation of their identity.

Johnsonburg is a place where all may gather, where all are welcomed, and where all are invited to share; gracious hospitality, joyful Christian community, and the wonder of God's creation.

Today we hear God's call once again, to take action to ensure that this ministry continues to mark generations of leaders. Looking forward, in order to strengthen our programs, form new partnerships and increase our ability to welcome guests year-round, we need to improve the infrastructure that supports our facilities, update existing housing options, and accommodate people of all ages, and upgrade the site areas which support a diversity of program options.

As Johnsonburg considers the next 60 years of ministry, we have an opportunity once again to Mark the Future of Johnsonburg.

We are excited to share these plans with you. Please, prayerfully consider how you might support this effort.

Here's to the next 60 years


Will you help us
Mark the Future?

Johnsonburg stands today as a vibrant and critical ministry for children, youth, and adults in a complicated world. It took dedicated and enthusiastic support over 60+ years to get us here.

Will you help us build for 62 more?

Click here to Continue Marking the Future