Parent Information
Registration / Information
A digital .pdf file of our 2025 summer camp brochure can be accessed below:
Register for all summer camps using our Online Registration account with CampBrain.
If a session is full and you are limited in your ability to choose other events, please call us (908-852-2349). Occasionally people withdraw their application, or we open additional units.
All forms may be filled out online. Registration must be completed online. Please email the office for suggestions on how to do that.
Once you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email with account balance and payment information.
You can log into your camp account to make changes. If you have questions, please call us.
Below you can find the 2025 Welcome Packet.
Our Summer 2025 medical coverage includes a trained medical professional (e.g. doctor, Registered Nurse, paramedic) 24/7, and our well-equipped infirmary is ready to handle any situation around the clock. Campers’ medication is stored under lock and key as required by the American Camp Association and is brought to them at the time called for by doctor’s instruction. All of our medical staff are licensed by the State of New Jersey.
For emergencies, we also have an AED (automated external defibrillator) on site and qualified staff trained to use it. While very rarely needed, medical specialists are just 15 miles away in nearby Hackettstown and Newton, NJ.
Our 2024 Summer Camp program was safe and successful due in part to our care regarding Covid-19 mitigation policies and procedures. We will be adapting our policies for the most current information and recommendations, but you can expect a similar level of attention to Covid-19 mitigation for summer 2025.
Our American Camp Association accreditation ensures we maintain a safe, quality environment for our campers and staff. We make sure to have an overall supervisor for all specialized activities, who is a certified adult with experience and documented training.
We control access to all specialized activity areas and always uphold strict operating procedures. At Camp Johnsonburg, we have up-to-date safety equipment for every camper in any activity that may require it. We have certified lifeguards and aquatic observers for all of our water activities at the lake and the pool.
All of our summer staff go through a two-week intensive training period to ensure that those caring for children and youth have the latest and greatest tools and education for taking care of all of our campers.
In addition, we ensure that staff accompanying campers on any off-site trips possess appropriate certifications and/or experience.
Camp Immunization Policy
Per the recommendations of the Warren County Health Department, immunization records must be maintained for all campers and staff. The recommended immunization schedule may be found here: Once you've registered for camp, you'll need to get an immunization report from your doctor and upload to your CampBrain account.
Please read the full Johnsonburg Immunization Policy here.
The Johnsonburg Campership fund has been established to provide financial assistance to campers. It is our desire that the summer camp experience is available to every child and that finances are not an obstacle for any family.
To apply, fill out the optional Campership request form found under Forms when you complete your camper's online application. You can start a registration by clicking here.
How does a camper receive mail?
Mail is discreetly handed out during FOB time (rest hour) after lunch. This time period is designated for downtime before taking on the rest of the day’s activities. Not all campers will receive mail and not everyone receives the same amount of mail each day.
Snail Mail! Campers love to receive mail. It’s nice to get a letter from friend’s relatives, and parents.
Send mail to:
Camp Johnsonburg
Camper’s name (unit if you know it)
822 RT 519
Johnsonburg, NJ 07825
If you would like to send a package you can! Send it to the same address as regular mail.
Please do not send food to campers as we don’t want to attract critters. They will get meals at the dining hall and will be able to purchase snacks at our camp store.
Sending emails
Once a day we print emails and deliver them. Please note campers are unable to respond back to emails. We also suggest not sending photos or e-cards as they don’t show up.
Send camper emails to with the camper’s first and last name in the subject line.
Common Questions
When is my final payment due?
You must pay the deposit to reserve your campers spot at the time of registration. All other payments must be paid by Monday June 16th 2025. If you register after June 16th you must pay in full at time of registration.
We accept the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard.
Make a payment by logging into your account through the CampBrain online account.
Do you have scholarships available?
Yes! Thanks to the generosity of donors, there are scholarships available. These are called "camperships" and are discussed above.
Can I make monthly payments?
Yes! You can set up monthly payments through your online account or you may contact the camp office at 908.852.2349.
How do I make a payment?
We accept credit cards (Visa & MasterCard) and checks.
Click on a question to expand it to see the answer!
Check-in is on Sundays from 2:30pm-3:30pm (Genesis included). The busiest time will be when registration opens at 2:30pm.
Camp ends with a closing program on Friday afternoon at 4pm. We ask families to arrive and park in the middle meadow between 3:45pm-4pm and walk down to the Highlands Pavilion to join us for the closing program, which is anticipated to end at 4:30pm.
For those families that can't make it on a Friday at 4 pm, please email Late pick-ups are handled on a case-by-case basis, depending on staff availability.