High School Camps
A camp even a teenager could love (and they do!)
We get it--teens have a lot of options. You could do anything with your summer! That's why it says a lot that our high school programming at Johnsonburg (a Christian summer camp!) is thriving.
High School Hangout is a classic. Adventure Trek takes our campers into the wild. Rides and Slides is the best way to take on the Amusement park. Night Owl is a favorite for an age group that wants to go to sleep late and sleep in late. And our Leadership programs are a long tradition at Johnsonburg that even the youngest campers look forward to being a part of. All of these summer camp sessions are loved by teens.
Maybe what our high school campers like the most is the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Something memorable, special, and totally unique. That's what we've got going on at Johnsonburg...come see it for yourself!
High School Hangout
Rising 9th-12th Graders
$655 / 790 / 965
Are you a high schooler wanting the ultimate camp experience? Our week-long traditional camp session is specially designed for teenagers. Meet new friends, explore your faith, and make memories that last a lifetime. Conquer your fear of heights on the high ropes course, soak up views of the lake while paddle boarding, practice your aim at archery, and much more! Each group will set their own pace and activities, with plenty of time to just chill and soak it all in.
Most popular camp for high schoolers
Plenty of activities to enjoy; plenty of unstructured time to hang
Teens especially appreciate the community that only happens at camp
Night Owl
Rising 9th-12th Graders
6/22-6/27 & 7/6-7/11
$655 / 790 / 965
Enjoy God’s creation in the dark--with stargazing, worshiping around a campfire, glow in the dark night games, and much more! Campers will get to stay up later and sleep in later, as we adopt a schedule for the week that some teens just wish the whole world ran on. Experience your favorite activities during the day AND by the light of the moon--as well as Night Owl only activities that no other camp session gets to do. Don't howl...just register!
Variety of after dark fun, including night zipping, night hikes, special cookout snacks, and a lot more
Johnsonburg's small group camping model helps campers establish relationships and make new friends
Kids just need to be kids. Our program has plenty of supervised unstructured time to play, laugh, chat, write, sing, or relax
Adventure Trek
Rising 9th-12th Graders
$755/ 890 / 1065
Adventure Trek was one of our most popular camps last year and a great option for any middle or high schooler. We will spend some time paddling, hiking, climbing--who knows what the adventure will be? Our campers will split some time between our site, where they will have ample opportunities to enjoy our zip-line, glacially carved lake, and expansive woods. Then, they'll head off-site to spend some time paddling on a river, hiking a piece of the AT, and climbing on rocks.
Campers get a little bit of everything: hiking, climbing, and river time.
Adventure camps build independence, resilience, and community. No prior experience of any kind is required.
High school hangout-style camp allows for cool outdoor experiences, but plenty of time to chill, too.
Rides and Slides
Rising 9th-12th Graders
$755 / 890 / 1065
Rides and Slides is a unique and extremely fun way to experience Johnsonburg community. Hang out at camp for the week, making friends with other middle schoolers in and out of your cabin, experiencing all the activities that help make Jburg a unique place. Then, sometime towards the end of the week, your group will hit the roller coasters at one of the amusement parks in the region! We are excited to offer this favorite camp and you won't want to miss it!
Roller Coasters. Repeat: Roller Coasters.
Seriously though: this is a unique camp that isn't just fun, but builds strong community as well--so important after 2+ years of pandemic
Plenty of time at Jburg too; campers will bea ble to enjoy everything we have to offer PLUS the amusement park
Wonderfully Made
Rising 2nd-12th Graders
$655 / 790 / 965
Wonderfully Made is our week to celebrate our LGBTQIA+ campers and allies. With dedicated curriculum that is focused on how loving everyone is borne out in scripture, this is a unique session to support the fully diversity of God's creation. Don't forget--there's no less time to enjoy all of the summer activities that campers love at Johnsonburg! Plan to run, sing, laugh, play, boat, swim, and more!
LGBTQIA+ specific curriculum.
Wonderfully Made was one of our best reviewed camps from last summer.
Activities and scheduling is almost identical to High School Hangout - so, plenty of time to do campers' favorite activities, and plenty of time to hang out, too.
Pre-Leadership Training Program
Rising 10th-11th Graders
$755/ 890/ 1065
At Johnsonburg, we believe that positive leadership is grounded in faith. During this program, you will learn how a growing faith can guide you through life’s challenges and help you navigate it all while enjoying the numerous activities that help make Johnsonburg such a unique place. This is the perfect precursor for those campers who wish to pursue leadership in their life or continue on the Leadership Training Program at Johnsonburg.
We have a dedicated staff member and curriculum just for Leadership programs
Leadership focus challenges campers to personal and spiritual growth
It's still camp; campers get to do all the activities that they love at camp.
Leadership Training Program
Rising 11th-12th Graders
7/6-7/18 & 7/20-8/1 - 2 -two week sessions are available in 2025
$1075 / 1275 / 1500
Johnsonburg's Leadership Training Program is our flagship offering for high school campers and our only two-week program in 2023. We'll explore and sharpen your leadership skills while participating in all kinds of Camp Johnsonburg activities. Some focuses include group dynamics, communication skills, personal faith development, and engagement with the year's theme. We'll put your new skills to the test by assisting with campers and other aspects of our Summer Program. The Leadership Training Program is a hallmark of Camp Johnsonburg summer programming--you won't want to miss out.
LTP is a big deal around here--kids look up to LTs and look forward to when they can do the program, too
This is a college application/resume builder that looks good while also being a fulfilling, fun two weeks
More responsibility goes both ways; our LTP campers get to experience more at camp than any other session!