Sacred place, open space

We are our history

In 1959, Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center was established to provide experiential Christian education in support of the Presbyterian Church in New Jersey. Johnsonburg today continues to be a place set apart that cares for creation, builds community, values diversity, and facilitates personal and spiritual growth.


We are who we work with

The Johnsonburg ministry is a separate 501(c)3 owned and operated by a Board of Trustees that derives its membership from the New Jersey Presbyteries and Philadelphia Presbytery, the regional adjudicatory bodies of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Operations are supported by gifts and fees Capital improvements and endowment are sustained by the gifts of individuals, congregations, and presbyteries.


We are what we do

  • Summer Camp – Every summer we program six weeks of Christian camping and leadership training.

  • Programmed Retreats – Nine weekends annually for older elementary, middle and high schoolers, families, and adults.

  • Spiritual Sanctuary – Sabbath events and opportunities for personal retreat and respite. Come find outdoor chapels, a labyrinth, spiritual direction, and seven miles of trails.

  • Conference/Retreat Venue – 300-acres in the rolling hills of northwest New Jersey — with year-round overnight lodging, dining service, meeting rooms, worship and recreational facilities.

  • Alumni Network – Generations of former staff, campers, and retreat participants stay connected and join us at various events throughout the year

    Summer Camp - Every summer we program 6 weeks of Christian camping and leadership training.

    Programmed Retreats - Nine weekends annually for older elementary, middle and high schoolers, families, and adults.

    Spiritual Sanctuary - Sabbath events and opportunities for personal retreat and respite. Come find outdoor chapels, a labyrinth, spiritual direction, and seven miles of trails. 

    Conference / Retreat Venue - 300-acres in the rolling hills of Northwest New Jersey - with year-round overnight lodging, dining service, meeting rooms, worship and recreational facilities.

    Alumni Network - Generations of former staff, campers, and retreat participants stay connected and join us at various events throughout the year.

We are our mission

Where all may gather
Johnsonburg seeks to serve all people in a beautiful natural environment which is conducive to building and strengthening relationships.

where all are welcome,
Through its staff and volunteers, through its programs and services, in every interaction, Johnsonburg seeks to reach out and serve all persons in a manner which honors diversity and recognizes the worth of every individual as a child of God.

and where all are invited to share:
All aspects of Johnsonburg are intended to extend an invitation to guests, campers, and others to grow through their experiences at Johnsonburg, so that the world is more just, more loving, and more faithful.

gracious hospitality,
The hospitality we offer is infused with the grace of God and made possible by the gifts of many.

joyful Christian community,
We believe that individuals grow in faith in Jesus Christ, in commitment, and in their ability to serve when they are embraced by a loving community.

and the wonder of God’s creation.
The awe-inspiring beauty of the natural world surrounds all that we do at Johnsonburg, and our decisions are guided by our commitment to be good stewards of God’s creation.

Micah 6:8 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God?

Statement of Inclusivity

View Johnsonburg's Statement of Inclusivity

We are our Core Values

The Values of Johnsonburg are those traits and characteristics that help to guide our choices and shape how we do our work.  We believe in:

Respect – Through our words and through the way we treat one other, we intend to respect all people, their ideas, and their experience.

Diversity – We, and all communities, are stronger when there are different perspectives, ideas, and experiences.

Beauty – All people need experiences of beauty which renew us, inspire us, and open our hearts and minds to that which is greater than ourselves.

Creativity – Creativity is one of the ways human beings reflect the image of God, and we seek to foster creativity in our programs, our services, and the experiences we offer.

Collaboration – We believe in working cooperatively, in seeking out opportunities to include others in our work, and in teaching persons to work and play together.

Gratitude – We strive to give thanks in everything and for everything.

Authenticity – We strive for transparency in the way we conduct ourselves and our work.

Adventure – Experiences which push us out of our comfort zone help us to grow and to realize our full potential.